Mossad, Israel's Elite Spy Agency Part 1

Mossad, Israel's Elite Spy Agency- Part 1

The history| functions | 2021 updates  

“Mossad” is a terrifying nightmare for many countries. Israel’s most powerful and secretive agency. Mossad is known for its vengeance and revenge operations. Why do the rest of the world fear a 9 million populated country like Israel. Well, the answer is Mossad.

In 2020, a brutal murder happened in Tehran, the capital of Iran. Prof. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was known as the father of Iranian nuclear bombs, was found dead. Even today the real cause of his death remains unknown. Every intelligence officer who had visited the crime spot pointed to a single name “Mossad”. The latest report says that he was killed by a machine gun operated by a satellite. It was a great shock for Iran. It seemed quite unbelievable because Fakhrizadeh had specific security details and he was travelling in a bullet proof van escorted by military specialists in all directions. But he was killed in a clinically prĂ©cised manner. There were enough reasons to suspect Mossad. Earlier in 2018, at a seminar on AMAD (an Iranian nuclear project) Israel president mentioned Fakhrizaden’s name and said ‘remember that name’.

In January 2020 Qasem Soleimani, the commander of Quds Force in Iran, was also killed in a drone attack. Muslim Shahdan, the commander of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, was killed in a missile attack in the Syrian territory. Iran officially accused Mossad for all these atrocities. Does ‘Mossad’ really have their superhuman makeover? To find the answer we have to take a look at the history of the origin of the most INTELLIGENT intelligence agency ‘Mossad’.

History of Mossad

Israel is the only Jewish nation in the world. Before Israel was declared as a nation in 1948, Jews had secretly sent different groups to many countries to study about their opponents. In 1947, after the UN declared partition of Palestine, four Jew men were sent to the neighboring countries of Israel. They could easily act like Arabs because they were born in Arab countries. They collected the most secret intelligence information from Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

These four men called themselves ‘MISTA ARVIM’. Within 24 hours of the declaration of Israel as a nation, in 1948, Palestine started a war against Israel. Israel fought the war for next six months and formed their government in Israel. After this war Israel formed ‘MOSSAD MERKAZI-MODIIN ULE-TAFKIDIM MEYUHADIM’ later came to be known as ‘Mossad’. This Hebrew name means ‘Central Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations’.  Many Jews were killed during the Second World War. Many went to different countries and settled there. These people agreed to be spies and collected intelligence information for their country. All this information helped Israel during each of their operations.

In 1956, during the time of the Cold War between American and Soviet Union, the 20th party congress of Communist Party of Russia was held. In that conference comrade Nikita Khrushchev heavily criticized Stalin for butchering about six lakh people, which was known as the great terror. He called Stalin the greatest murderer of the time and continued his speech for four hours only to criticize Stalin. Mossad leaked the transcript of that speech using their hidden sources in Poland and shared a copy of that to the C.I.A. This Russian intelligence affair raised the dignity of Mossad in America.

The four aims of Mossad

From the time of its establishment Mossad has been focusing on four aims;

  1. If somebody hurts Jews, they should be brought in front of the law.

  2. To disarm all the armies who stand against Israel

  3. Erase terrorism.

  4. Save and bring back the Israeli refugees from all over the world.

So far they have been quite successful in connecting all the operations to these four aims.

Mossad’s mode of operations 

As a sophisticated intelligence agency the operations of Mossad are the total outcome of their manpower, weapon and technology. They have their own protocol to execute an enemy. Their procedures are;

  1. The nomination of the enemy. The nomination will either come from the cabinet or from any intelligence agency of Israel.

  2. The feasibility study. If Mossad decides to assassinate someone they would do a thorough study of the target with the help of inputs from other intelligence agencies. The study mainly covers: would it be possible to assassinate the person, if yes then when, where, how and which weapon would be the best. When the feasibility study is over they will submit the results to ‘VARASH’ (VA’ad RAshei Ha SHerutim), the committee of the heads of all the intelligence agencies. This committee will give all the advice for the operation. However, this committee doesn’t have the authority to give approval for the operation. The authority lies only with the President.

  3.  If the operation gets the President’s approval then the rest of the operation is in Mossad’s hands. ‘Caesarea’, the undercover branch of Mossad, will take charge of the operation. The job of ‘Caesarea’ is to collect all the real-time information about the target.

  4. When they get enough information the charge will be shifted to ‘KIDON’, the specialized professional killing department of Mossad. Then the final assassination will be done at the ground level by the highly trained assassins of ‘Kidon’.

Mossad, the brain behind the success of six day war

The Six day war began on 5 June 1967. To know more about the Six day war click 

With the help of the intelligence report given by Mossad, Israel brutally stroked Egypt. It caused great damage to Egypt. What were these important intelligence reports? They were; 

From 7.30am to 8.30 am the daily shift of Egyptian radar operators will come to its end. They will be tired by that time. Also it is the time for the air crew to have their breakfast. It is also the time for the fighter jets to take rest at the hangar for inspection by the maintenance engineers. At the same time the militant officers will be stuck in the heavy traffic jam on their way to office.

Within three hours of continuous attack Israel destroyed Egypt’s 300 fighter jets out of all the 340 they had. After disabling all the possible air striking options for Egypt, Israeli fighter jets flew all over Egypt and destroyed every kind of weapon they had. At the same time they destroyed the Syrian army. The one and only reason behind Israel’s victory in the Six Day war was Mossad and their intelligence reports.


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